Tuesday, June 1, 2010

OSU RPAC/ARC rate for *all* Pelotonia riders

Any participants in Pelotonia can get memberships with the RPAC, but these memberships come at the Faculty/Staff Rate. These rates are:

$115 for the quarter
$77.50 for a half quarter (this price has already started for Spring Quarter and would be the price of each of the half quarters in the summer)

Also, participating in the race will enable any participant to get the same rates any affiliate of the RPAC gets for shorter passes:

$30 for a 15 consecutive-day pass
$60 for a 30 consecutive-day pass
$10 for a one-day pass
$15 for a weekend pass (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Thanks to Eugenia Maish for finding and sharing this information!

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